Join the British Tapestry Group


Welcome new and renewing members to the British Tapestry Group!
Here’s how the membership works and the benefits you can expect.

By joining the British Tapestry Group you:

  • are able to take part in national and regional exhibitions;
  • receive monthly e-newsletters with information about tapestry weaving;
  • receive 2 issues per year of our print magazine, Tapestry Weaver, with articles from tapestry weavers around the world, announcements and reviews of exhibitions and books, providing a wealth of inspiring ideas;
  • gain access to the full online catalogue of past Tapestry Weaver magazines in pdf format;
  • can setup an online showcase of your work;
  • can advertise your teaching;
  • receive a discount on yarn purchases from Weavers Bazaar;
  • join the network of contemporary tapestry weavers in regional activities. If there is a regional group already active in your area you will be contacted by the coordinator. You can join any of the regional groups regardless of where you live.  If there isn’t one, we can help you get one started.

We encourage members to actively support the committee and regional groups in order to help develop and enhance the contemporary tapestry weaving community.

The membership year

Annual Membership runs from April 1st to March 31st.
New members who join between 1st October and 31st March, pay for half the current membership year + the next membership year.  For example, if you join in October 2024, you pay 1.5 times the membership fee listed below and your membership expires 31st March 2026. 
NB: Because of this, March and September are the worst times to join as a new member. Not that we want to put you off!
Renewing members can submit their renewal any time.  You will pay the annual fee and your membership will be extended by one year.

Note: If you are joining for the first time and want to submit a work for the 20th Anniversary Exhibition, your submission will be accepted as long as you join on or shortly after the 1st April 2025.  Complete the submission form by the 30th March.




Membership Types

The British Tapestry Group offers several membership types. View the full matrix: BTG Membership Benefits matrix

UK Member £35:  All the benefits. Living in the UK and weaving tapestry? This is for you.

Rest of the World (including Europe) Member £40: The same benefits as the UK Member, but unfortunately we need to charge a bit more to cover postal costs of the magazine.

UK Student Member £20: The British Tapestry Group welcomes and encourages student weavers you will receive the majority of benefits of being a full member at a reduced price if you are a full time student. The UK student membership automatically changes to UK member after a year, but, if you are still a student you can reset it during the renewal process. 

UK Associate Member £25: A lower cost option for people in the UK who may be just starting out and do not plan to participate in exhibitions or create a showcase of their work on the BTG website. (See the BTG Membership Benefits matrix to find out which benefits Associate members miss out on.)

UK Group Member £45: This category of membership allows a group who are interested in woven art to join BTG as a collective rather than individually to enjoy some of the benefits. The group will nominate one of their members as the BTG contact. They will receive two copies of Tapestry Weaver each year.

Process and payment options

To join or renew online click the Membership form button to complete your personal details, then click ‘Submit’ to continue to the payment page. 

New Membership form  - 1 April to 30 September = yearly fee; 1 October to 31 March = 18-month fee

Membership   Renewal  - Existing members may renew early from March 1st.Your current information will be displayed and you have the option to update it if required.


Click “Submit” at the bottom of the form to continue to the payment page.
You can pay with PayPal, by bank transfer or by cheque.

Paypal (including pay by debit or credit card) is the quickest option.  Your membership will be activated immediately and you will receive a confirmation email with the password to the members area of the website.  You do not need to have a Paypal account to pay via Paypal.  There is an option within Paypal to use your debit or credit card, although you may have to scroll down to find it and it might be a smaller button.

Bank transfer and cheque both require manual intervention by the Membership Secretary and Treasurer before your account is activated.  We do not mind this at all, but just mention it so you are aware that it may take a couple of weeks.  Once your account is activated, you will receive a confirmation email with the password to the members area of the website.  Please note, we can only accept cheques from UK banks.

To join or renew by post: download the PDF of the Membership Form and Data Protection form and post it to us with a cheque made payable to “The British Tapestry Group”. The address is on the form.  Please note, we can only accept cheques from UK banks.

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