News: 26-29 November BTG is at the Knitting & Stitching in Harrogate

BTG Stand at K&S London
Come and meet BTG members and watch tapestry weaving demonstrations at the Knitting and Stitching Show in Harrogate International Centre 26th - 29th November 2015
The opening times for Harrogate are:
Thur 26th November 10:00am - 7.00pm
Fri 27th November 10:00am - 5:30pm
Sat 28th November10:00am - 5:30pm
Sun 29th November 10:00am - 5:00pm
There will be BTG members on the stand during all of those times.
For more information, see:
The BTG also had a stand at Alexandra Palace, London in October. Here are some images of the work displayed on the stand - from the Regional BTG groups.
Photos by Maggie Kateley of the BTG and all work copyright of the owners.
The BTG also did twice daily demonstrations in the new K&S demonstration areas.
Claire Buckley demonstraing tapestry weaving
BTG Stand at K&S 2015, London