News: BTG-ATA Weavers Applaud

Aruna Reddy – Catching Rainbows
The BTG, British Tapestry Group, have joined with ATA (American Tapestry Alliance) as a joint initiative. In these difficult times we would like to reach out to weavers across the world to applaud and give our thanks to the medical professions, the ancillary workers and the ordinary people who are working to keep us, the people, fed and healthy and a message to other weavers that we are all in this together, united, hand in hand.
Our applause is in the form of a small tapestry (or it might be a detail of a larger tapestry you are already working on). The theme aims to symbolise reaching out in friendship around the world.
Some may like to do a rainbow, or a hand, heart, flower, bird or whatever this theme means to them. If you would like to take part, then post a photo of your tapestry to social media with one or all of the hashtags below. Don’t forget to include your name and country so we can see who and where you are!
If you do not use social media, email with your name, country, the title of your work and clearly note in the subject “BTG Applauds from” and your name and we will post it for you.
Please, forward this email to everyone you know around the world so we can spread the joy. Everyone is invited to join in, you don’t have to be a member, we are a fellowship of Weavers. All are welcome to join in the applause!
Hashtags: #btgatatapestryweaversapplaud; btgatatapestryweaversunited ; #btgatasaythankyou ; #weavingacrosstheworld ; #tapestryweaving