News: FROM EDGE TO EDGE, May 24 - July 12, Nuneaton City Museum & Art Gallery, UK

Red Onion Kiss by Lindsey Marshall
From May 24th to July 12th, Nuneaton City Art Gallery will be showing tapestries by the Midlands Region of the British Tapestry Group.
Tapestry is an ancient art form, with a long and distinguished history and a thriving contemporary life. The aim of this exhibition is to celebrate the unique narrative that tapestry provides, 'telling' the region's stories by means of texture, colour and woven thread. 'From Edge to Edge' is an interactive exhibition, including visitor participation in the 'Have-a-Go' weave, weaver in residence Tuesdays and a Weaving Saturday when the artists will be available to talk about tapestry and their work.
The weavers involved are Lindsey Marshall, Maralyn Hepworth, Jane Freear-Wyld, Pauline Fisk, Victoria Green and Elizabeth Leaper. Elizabeth is a newcomer to tapestry. Victoria graduated in Textile Crafts in 2005 and now runs workshops as well as weaving tapestries. Pauline Fisk wove her first tapestry back in the 1970s and has been weaving and exhibiting ever since. She is also an author. Jane Freear-Wyld has had a long and varied career exhibiting widely in the UK and abroad. She too runs workshops. Maralyn Hepworth graduated from West Dean and has produced tapestries for the 550th anniversary of the Shrewsbury Drapers' Company, the Shropshire Wildlife Trust and the Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings. Lindsey Marshall has also exhibited internationally. Her tapestries are mainly formed from lettering and abstract typographic shapes, drawing on her experience in visual communications as well as textiles.
If you would like to know more about this exhibition, contact either Nuneaton museum or
From Edge to Edge, Nuneaton City Museum & Art Gallery, Riversley Park, Coton Road, Nuneaton, CV11 5TU.
Tel: 024 7635 0720.
Web site:
Museum and Tearoom opening times:
Monday: Closed (except bank holidays)
Tuesday - Saturday 10.30am until 4.30pm
Sunday 2.00pm until 4.30pm
Bank Holidays 10.30am until 4.30pm