News: Heallreaf, 1 - 8 August, West Dean College, Chichester

Heallreaf is an open exhibition for small format tapestry weaving. 28 of the 34 selected artists are BTG members. Both UK and international tapestry weavers are participating. The exhibition is on at West Dean College (Garden Entrance), West Dean from 1st August 2015 - 8th August 2015.
Heallreaf (pronounced 'Hairlreff') is an Old English word meaning 'a tapestry hung on the wall in a public space'. The exhibition is being held close to the gardens entrance in part of the Edward James Studios or what was previously the Sussex Barn complex. It is not necessary for visitors to the exhibition to enter the college or pay to enter the gardens.
The exhibition is organised by BTG member Margaret Jones. Margaret is a West Dean MFA student and QUEST scholar. The exhibition was juried by renowned tapestry artist Anne Jackson. See
Exhibiting artists are listed below (*BTG members)
*Anna Kocherovsky
*Anne Jackson
*Barb Cove
*Beryl Hammill
*Caroline Reali
*Caroline Remington
Cathy Griffiths
*Christine Paine
*Christine Sawyer
*Cos Ahmet
*Diane Hay
*Dianne Miles
*Frances Crowe
*Hilary O’Connell
*Jackie Bennett
*Jan Kinsman
*Jane Brunning
*Jane Freear-Wyld
Janet Steer
Jilly Edwards
*Julie Taylor
*Lin Squires
*Lindsey Marshall
*Liz Chester
*Margaret Appa
*Margaret Jones
*Matty Smith
Mihaela Mirela Grigore
*Mike Wallace
*Pat Taylor
Philip Sanderson
Rachel Hine
*Ruth Jones
*Tim Oelman
*Anne Jackson
*Barb Cove
*Beryl Hammill
*Caroline Reali
*Caroline Remington
Cathy Griffiths
*Christine Paine
*Christine Sawyer
*Cos Ahmet
*Diane Hay
*Dianne Miles
*Frances Crowe
*Hilary O’Connell
*Jackie Bennett
*Jan Kinsman
*Jane Brunning
*Jane Freear-Wyld
Janet Steer
Jilly Edwards
*Julie Taylor
*Lin Squires
*Lindsey Marshall
*Liz Chester
*Margaret Appa
*Margaret Jones
*Matty Smith
Mihaela Mirela Grigore
*Mike Wallace
*Pat Taylor
Philip Sanderson
Rachel Hine
*Ruth Jones
*Tim Oelman