Event: Louise Oppenheimer at Artmap Argyll Open Studios 2021

Louise Oppenheimer - Artmap Argyll Open Studios 2021
The Artmap Argyll annual open studios is an opportunity to meet artists in their own spaces. I welcome visitors to my studio where work in progress, my gallery wall, sketchbooks, wool and the beautiful landscape surrounding me will all hopefully give food for thought and pleasure for the eyes. I look forward to meeting you!
Dates: Friday 20th August to Sunday 29th August 2021 - 10am - 5pm
Address: East Cottage, Drimvore, Kilmichael Glassary, Lochgilphead, Argyll PA318SU
Email: louiseoppenheimer@gmail.com
Telephone: 01546605323
Website: https://artmapargyll.co.uk/directory-artmap_artis/listing/louise-oppenheimer/