News: New Website Feature: Weavers' Marks

Weavers' Marks - how artists sign their tapestry
Weavers' Marks
BTG is delighted to announce that we are working closely with weaversbazaar on a project to set up an online database of weaver’s marks: if you receive their newsletter you may have heard about the project in more detail. As far as we are aware, no such database exists at present so, whilst we are starting small, eventually we hope that this will be a resource for tapestry weaving enthusiasts across the world.
Weavers’ Marks are how a tapestry weaver or a tapestry atelier ‘signs’ their tapestries, in the same way that an artist signs a painting, or indeed an original design for a tapestry. Some commercial studios or ateliers also have their own studio mark which may be used alongside the marks of the individual weavers. They may also incorporate the signature of the artist or designer of the original artwork into the tapestry. At the BTG we feel that Weaver’s marks should not just be something that professional weavers use and that we should encourage all tapestry weavers to think about using them on their work and being proud of what you achieve.
Visit the Weavers' Marks Gallery
If you are a tapestry weaver and would like your mark to be included, see how to contribute your Images and Text for the Weavers’ Marks Gallery