News: Tapestry Celebrations

Fireworks by Eleonora Budden
The British Tapestry Group is inviting all tapestry weavers to ‘celebrate’ your ‘End of Year’ festivities with us by weaving a small tapestry with your chosen theme. These will be shown in a specific Gallery on the BTG Website so anybody who visits the website can share the joy, be motivated towards a colourful Festive Season and give a happiness boost towards the New Year.
This will be similar to Weaver’s Applaud but the emphasis is on ‘celebration’ and ‘positivity’, however you would like to illustrate it for us. It could be Diwali candles or fireworks, a Christmas tree bauble, or a bursting shoot from a bulb, whatever resonates as a ‘Celebration’. Please add name, country, size, title and what it means for you.
Hope you all like the idea, and we look forward to receiving your images for their inclusion.
Let’s end this year and start the next on a high and a colourful high at that!
The BTG Committee.
Have a look at Tapestry Celebrations here.
Send to Eleonora:
There is no deadline, but it would be nice to get as many contributions as possible before the end of the year.
For copyright purposes name your image files with your full name, e.g. ‘JOE BLOGGS-Title’