News: Tapestry 'Celebrations' 2021

Blue Moon - detail of a tapestry by Eleonora Budden
The British Tapestry Group is inviting all tapestry weavers to ‘celebrate’ your 'Midwinter / End of Year' festivities. It can be a whole small tapestry or simply a detail of one; something you've woven in the past year, are currently weaving or just your favourite. They will be on permanent display so visitors can enjoy them and be motivated towards a colourful Festive Season.
Send your image, with your name and country, the title and what it means for you (up to 80 words), with the subject marked 'Tapestry Celebrations 2021'.
Send to Eleonora:
There is no deadline, but it would be nice to get as many contributions as possible before the end of the year.
For copyright purposes name your image files with your full name, e.g. ‘JoeBloggs-Title’