News: The Waterline Exhibition

Waterline – a segment (Photograph: Joanne Withers Photography)
Both a weaving project and a learning experience, Waterline brought together a small group of tapestry weavers, many of them BTG members, who have each woven their own individual tapestry as one part of a composite tapestry reflecting the theme of the flow of a river. The project has been led by Joan Baxter, and supported by Irene Evison and Anna Wetherell of Nearly Wild Weaving.
The tapestries are of varying sizes and proportions, square or rectangular in shape. Anywhere within each piece, a straight and level silvery gold line of similar width, representing the surface and flow of the water, is the most important shared element. The finished tapestries will be hung side by side so that, although the individual pieces are of different sizes and shapes, all the waterlines are at the same level. The process has been as important as the end product, with participants working together on the over-arching tapestry design criteria and sharing learning throughout the weaving process.
Waterline will be on display at Farfield Mill from 5th October until 23rd December 2022. It will then go on tour, due to be shown at Gairloch Museum, Scotland, in July and August 2023 before travelling across to the United States and Canada and then returning to Europe.
There will be a ‘Meet the Makers’ event at Farfield Mill on Saturday 8th October, 2 - 4pm (after the BTG AGM!). Do join us to celebrate the culmination of this project and meet the weavers.
Dates: 5th October - 23rd December 2022
Address: Farfield Mill, Garsdale Road, Sedbergh, Cumbria. LA10 5LW
Telephone: 015396 21958