News: To the Waters And the Wild

Winter Morning Loch Brora by Joan Baxter
Tapestry inspired by nature from the Scottish members of the BTG
The Scottish Ornithologists’ Club
Waterston House, Aberlady, East Lothian, EH32 0PY
14 January - 28 February 2022
Open Wed - Sun (10-4) – Free Entry
The title of the exhibition, a verse from a WB Yeats poem, evokes the escape to be found in the natural world. If this was sometimes curtailed over the past couple of years, we have all learned to value it even more. Like many of us, the artists rediscovered their immediate environment, the local wood, the beach, the bird songs, and found inspiration there, or they looked inwards for memories of encounters with the wild further afield. The result is a small survey of tapestry today and a woven tribute to Nature.
The exhibition is accompanied by sculptures by Chris Hindley.