Review: Weaving a Chronicle

Weaving a Chronicle (book cover)
Judith Poxson Fawkes
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2012
160 pp.; illustrated throughout in full colour
ISBN: 978-0-7643-4063-5
Review by Sally Reckert
I’ve been delighted to discover this author’s work. Judith Poxson Fawkes’s writing is spare and to the point as she highlights moments in her weaving life. The publisher has generously displayed her tapestries throughout the book in 98 text-facing colour images. As the author says, the tapestries are: “…the truer chronicle…my telling about the tapestries may metamorphose, but their woven structure does not”.
The contents list does duty as both an index of works and a general index - though, not knowing Poxson Fawkes’s works, I found that the titles of her weavings against page numbers gave me no idea of what I might find on that page.
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