
We have a list of BTG members who teach tapestry weaving either in regular workshops or one to one sessions. Browse the list to see if there is one near to where you live.
Some members open their studios to visitors. Follow the link to Members' Studio Trail to see if there is one near you.
On Getting Started you will find some tips on how to set yourself up with basic equipment to get you weaving, while How to... provides links to instructions on what to do and how to do it. You might also find this useful once you have been weaving for a while, to try out a new techniques, or refresh your memory.
We also have lists of where to find out more, such as schools and colleges that include tapestry weaving in their curriculum, books on tapestry and links to other websites with related information.
Finally, if you would like to see tapestries there is a comprehensive list on the What is Tapestry Weaving page in the section headed Where to see Tapestries in the UK.