Earth Threads

Earth Threads is an exhibition of Contemporary Woven Tapestries by South East Regional Members of the British Tapestry Group.
The catalogue is A5, 31 page full colour with a page per exhibitor.
Artists: Jackie Bennett, Jane Brunning, Claire Buckley, Barbara Byrne, Hilary Charlesworth, Clarinda Joanne Clarkson, Yvonne Dedman, Marilyn Eustice, Lesley Frame, Jill Garrett, Kate Gill, Annabella Harding, Jenny Hatton, Karen Hiser, Sue Johnson, Maggie Kateley, Jane Kirby, Sarah McLean, Hilary O'Connell, Pilar O'Prey, Christine Paine, Lin Squires, David Stokes, Lorna Townsend, Mike Wallace.
Exhibition information can be found in the Exhibitions section of this website.
Price: £8.00
Price: £8.00