Tapestry Weaver - Issue 25

Contents - Issue 25 March 2019
- Hello from the Chair - Hilary O'Connell
- Hello from the Editor - Sally Reckert
- 3D Character Design - Matt Smith
- Weaving the Future Grants - Mary Lane
- Artmap Argyll Open Studios - Louise Oppenheimer
- Weaving New Worlds - Aruna Reddy
- Divine Sparks - Barbara Heller
- Sound and Weave: The maker, the weaver and the collaboration - Lin Squire
- The Weaving Rooms - Jane Riley
- Ramses Wissa Wassaf Art Centre - Stacey Harvey-Brown
- Third Russian Triennial of Contemporary Tapestry - Katie Russell
- Dovecot Studios announces new programme for 2019 - Kate Grenyer
- Sounding Out Colour and Texture - Alastair Duncan
- British Tapestry Group Exhibitions 2019 - 2020
Price: £3.00