Window on Weaving

Window on Weaving is a joint South East and London Group exhibition, held at Haslemere Museum in May 2021 (postponed from 2020).
The catalogue is A5, 44 page full colour with a page per exhibitor.
Artists: Margaret Appa, Jackie Bennett, Jane Brunning, Eleonora Budden, Claire Buckley, Gillian Bull, Hilary Charlesworth, Barb Cove, Julie Davies, Christine Eborall, Marilyn Eustice, Lesley Frame, Jill Garrett, Jenny Hatton, Peter Hall, Annabella Harding, Maggie Kateley, Joan Kendall, Jane Kirby, Sarah McLean, Marianna Mele, Dianne Miles, David Newman, Hilary O'Connell, Suzanne Osborn, Pilar O'Prey, Christine Paine, Carolyn Perry, Aruna Reddy, Rosemary Reeves, Matty Smith, Lin Squires, David Stokes, Lucy Sugden, Mike Wallace, Jennifer Woolnough
Exhibition information can be found in Exhibitions on this website
Price: £5.00