Eleonora Budden

I started my tapestry journey in 2014 and fell in love with it in an instant. At first, I did figurative work usually based on a photograph. Later I started to explore abstraction. A few years on I realise that my work now moves back and forth between figurative and abstract. It is the challenge of something new that always inspires me.

Creating a narrative in tapestry is the most satisfying task. Long before I discovered tapestry weaving, I read a book in which one of the characters, Becca Weaver, was a tapestry weaver, and what she wove came to be in the world as she wove it. That is how tapestry weaving makes me feel.

In 2020 I was lucky to acquire a large loom and wove “It’s All about the Tree”, followed the “Chroma : Sound” and “Chroma : Long Song”. Of course, larger works take longer, but they also bring great satisfaction when they are done.

Bedfont, London, UK
Open Studio: I welcome visitors interested in tapestry weaving, by appointment only.
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