Jackie Bennett

Through the act of weaving, I explore the dialogue between my subconscious and the haptic. I aim to capture the essence of a thought or feeling as a physical, textural expression. Recurrent themes incorporate observations of local Sussex landscapes and townscapes, experiences of holistic health care and mindful awareness of pain and fatigue. Aesthetically I am influenced by the fibre artists of the sixties and seventies, with pioneers including Tadek Beutlich.

I like to experiment and leave an element of chance in the weaving. I construct, collage and use pull warp techniques for relief and sculptural works.

The choice of materials depends on the textural effects that I wish to employ to bring about a connection and emotional resonance. I weave with plant fibres: cotton, hemp, linen, jute and paper, as well as wool, silk and synthetics. 

Lewes, East Sussex, UK
07769 945 604
Open Studio: by appointment
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